Get The Best Ed Treatment With “Acoustic Therapy”

At some point in their lives, many men struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED). Especially if you don't know what to do next, this condition can be confusing, embarrassing, and frustrating. Injections, pills, and vacuum erection devices are just a few of the treatments available, but they all treat the symptom at hand. Acoustic therapy is a long-term treatment option for erectile dysfunction (ED). To learn more about this ed wave treatment option for erectile dysfunction, continue reading this article.

What is Acoustic or Shock Wave Therapy for ED?

There are a variety of reasons why men struggle with erectile dysfunction. Low blood flow to the penis is a major factor. When sexual stimulation occurs, the penis becomes erect due to blood flow. As a result of blood flow interruptions, men's erections are weak and lose their rigidity too soon. So, you need to find a men's health clinic in Chicago for the ed treatment. 

In order to combat this lack of blood flow, acoustic wave therapy is used. Neovascularization is induced directly inside the penis using low-intensity acoustic waves. The formation of new blood vessels is known as neovascularization. As a result of these new blood vessels, erections become more powerful and last for longer. Additionally, the use of acoustic therapy can promote natural and spontaneous erections. Therefore, have updates and proper location of a men's health clinic in Chicago for having acoustic therapy or ed wave treatment.

Getting On Your Nerves

If so, have you ever had to deal with intense, chronic pain? Substance P, a neurotransmitter, is to blame. There is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system which is responsible for the perception of pain. Due to the sound waves produced, Substance P concentrations are reduced, reducing pain and inflammation. If you have musculoskeletal pain from an injury or trauma, this is a great ed wave treatment to try. 

Building Blood Flow Back

As a result of AWT, neovascularization occurs. As a result, blood flow and nutrient supply are increased. Inflammatory cells and metabolic wastes are also eliminated in new ways, which is important. Growing and developing vascular formations increase oxygen supply, allowing for healthier, stronger, and more efficient tissues. Healthful cells can be damaged or weakened if they lack this function.

Arterial Clean Up

We know that the AWT has the ability to break down the thick plaque buildup in our arteries, too. Sound waves, which are non-invasive, can physically destroy calcium and fat buildup, which opens up the arteries and improves blood flow. The penis, for example, has only one artery for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). A narrowed artery prevents optimal blood flow. 

Acoustic therapy also plays a role in cellular regeneration. It is possible that cell cycles and the production of new cells could be stopped if healthy blood cannot reach certain tissues.

Stem Cell Stimulation

Supporting stem cell proliferation and differentiation,  acoustic therapy also aids in muscle healing and bone and epithelial cell health. A process known as paracrine signaling allows the body to do this on its own. Cells that have been damaged send out signals that attract free-floating stem cells to the site of the injury. It is from this point that the cells can repair and regenerate specific tissues based on their physiological and distinct structures Using acoustic wave therapy, these signals are amplified, resulting in faster healing and a shorter recovery period.


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